C (91/254)

Date:24 Apr 00 at 00:07:06
Subject:RE: Minterms

On Sun, 23 Apr 2000 18:55:24 +0000, Daithi O'Cuinn
<docuinn@cluke.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk
> On 23-Apr-00, andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk wrote:
> > I have a similar problem, I use this method too - for scrolling
> > purposes I use ClipBlit() iwhich seems slightly faster than
> > BltBitMapRastPort() (it's still not Mika Hakkinen tho :/ ). I read
> > somewhere about a utility that forces all blitting operations to be
> > done by the CPU instead of the hardware blitter, but I've forgotten
> > what it was called.
> FBlit? But I should have mentioned that I was using CGFX V4 on a BVPP
> C, which
> I would expect to be a Mika Hakkinen! ;) The whole machine grinds to
> a halt
> until the blit is done, even the mouse pointer!
> I am investigating a different strategy in which I write the tiles di
> rectly to
> the windows rastport using the excellent guigfx library (you might wa
> nt to
> take a look at this, BTW, speed seems pretty good), but this is flick
> ery.
> Surely my mighty GFX board is capable of whacking a 600x400 odd piece
> of
> screen about in less than 3 seconds!! I specify the BitMap like so:
> map_scratch = AllocBitMap(1024, 1024, 8, NULL, win->RPort->BitMap)
> And it gets blitted to a CGFX 16 bit screen by
> BltBitMapRastPort(map_scratch, 0, 0, win->RPort, mapx, mapy, mapw, ma
> ph,
> 0xC0);
> Am I missing something obvious, or is this method just always going t
> o be too
> slow?

Hmmmm... are you blitting the whole window display? (you mentioned
blitting a 640x400 area). If you're just doing some scrolling then use
ScrollWindowRaster(), then ClipBlit() only on the vacated areas of the
window, but even this way, we're maybe only talking Jenson Button :)

But anyway... I've still found this uses masses of chip RAM, there must
be another way - the Voyager web browser can load in a huge page (of 20
screen heights) and bearly use any Chip RAM. I think we're missing
something here, because every other application that scrolls large
pages seems to do it faster and in much less memory!!!

Andrew Markwell
"Save shipbuilding on the Tyne"

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